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A True Testament to kegg

Trying to conceive cycle after cycle becomes long and daunting. But, for June, kegg transformed her journey right away.
pregnancy test
Andrea Grace

Andrea Grace

Community Manager at kegg
This blog describes a real kegg user’s experience conceiving using kegg. Trigger Warning: mention of positive pregnancy and loss

June* and her partner had been trying to conceive their second baby for 7 long months when they discovered kegg. She recognized that seeing her full fertile window may be the key to optimally timing her trying to conceive efforts and being successful. 

June got started with using kegg and confidently timed intercourse during her fertile valley. She was elated to conceive and see a BFP after her first cycle using kegg. Sadly, after 11 blissful weeks, June went to her ultrasound appointment only to discover she was miscarrying. 

Once cleared to begin kegg use again, June continued on her trying to conceive (TTC) journey with kegg. She carefully watched her readings unfold each day to ensure she was timing her efforts optimally. She spotted her fertile valley and knew that this meant her vaginal environment was hospitable to sperm. 

After the grueling two week wait, June got the news she was hoping for: her rainbow BFP. She shared “If this isn’t a testament to kegg then I’m not sure what is! I’ve used m

kegg for two cycles, and both of those cycles have resulted in a BFP! Unfortunately we lost the first baby at 11 weeks, but fingers crossed that this one is nice and sticky! Pregnancy after loss is so scary.”

We are so grateful to be a part of your journey, June, and your perseverance is admirable. We are wishing you a blissful and healthy pregnancy journey to meet your precious rainbow baby.
kegg chart
June observed her kegg readings forming a valley, beginning on cycle day 11 and she began timing her efforts throughout this time. She confirmed her positive pregnancy test 12 days after her fertile window.

*Name changed for anonymity 

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