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Babies, babies, and more babies!

Celebrate some beautiful pregnancy news shared recently by our kegg mamas.
Andrea Grace

Andrea Grace, featuring stories from the kegg community

Community Manager at kegg
Each kegg user has a unique story to tell and learning how they arrived at their positive pregnancy test with the help of kegg is uplifting! Read on to see how these beautiful women became mamas with kegg as a part of their journeys.

Sweet baby in my arms

This mama graciously shared her pregnancy journey. “I have always known that I did not want to go through life without getting to be a mom. After my husband and I began to try to get pregnant, each month that went by without a missed period or positive pregnancy test began to really wear on me. I went through hormone testing and didn’t find anything to blame there, and we felt strongly that IVF or similar routes weren’t the right option for us. We began to look into adoption while continuing to try to get pregnant. When I came across Kegg, I remember thinking that it was inexpensive compared to everything else in the fertility world (bonus I could use my HSA dollars), and that if nothing else some kegel exercises wouldn’t be a bad thing, so why not? When my Kegg came and I started using it, my husband definitely thought it was weird and silly but I was so interested in this new insight to my body! I loved learning more about my cycle and watching the trends in my data points (I’m a nurse and a total nerd). I also realized that we weren’t timing sex as perfectly as I thought we were according to the Kegg. My third cycle tracking with Kegg, I watched my chart closely and we tried twice during my fertile valley. I honestly still didn’t have high hopes after all we had been through, so I was absolutely thrilled and shocked when we had a positive pregnancy test a couple weeks later!! A year later, I am holding the sweetest baby boy in my arms, and I can’t imagine life without him. I’m so grateful that Kegg gave us the information we needed to successfully conceive! It truly changed our lives.” We are overjoyed to hear about your new sweet bundle, and wish your family blissful years to come!

A kegglet is born

One mama shared “I used my kegg for 4 months before I ended up pregnant. I had been trying for about 9 months before that. I welcomed a beautiful baby boy one month ago (December, 2022).

Congratulations to this new mama, and welcome to her sweet baby boy!

A BFP (Big Fat Positive [Pregnancy Test Result] despite a challenging journey

Our kegg mama shared that she received her kegg on the 12th day of her cycle. She was experiencing long cycles, but decided to get started right away. Knowing that this was her first cycle with kegg, and she had recently been diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism and started on thyroid replacement hormone, she knew that her fertile valley could unfold earlier or later than her fertile window prediction. She timed hearts when she began to see descending readings, but felt assured she was in her fertile window when she saw the valley form between cycle days 25-28. 

She shared “I was a little shocked it happened because I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism and had only just started a course of Synthroid and even received kegg in the middle of my cycle. I figured this meant it was supposed to be a “waiting cycle”. Her BFP had other plans! Congratulations, kegg mama. We are rooting for you and your little one!

To continue trying…or not?

This kegg mama had almost given up hope after a long and trying journey. Like many kegg users, she had not received a PCOS diagnosis, but suspected she had it. She had boundaries to protect her heart and followed her kegg valleys to time intercourse. Her efforts paid off and resulted in her BFP! 

She shares “My husband and I had our first LO in July of 2017. After a fairly rough pregnancy we were certain we weren’t going to try again. Fast forward a few years later and baby fever hit hard. Our LO wanted a sibling, and I had always wanted two kids. So, we began the long conversations about the pros and cons of a second child and decided to begin trying. 

I wanted my husband to feel included in the process as much as possible so I didn’t feel alone. We both enjoy research. So, after a lot of research I had narrowed down a list of devices to help us on our journey. I gave the list to my husband and asked him to research a bit more and choose the device that would best fit our lifestyle. He chose the kegg. I got it ordered, made an appointment to get my IUD removed, and we were officially on our journey to baby number two in December of 2021. 

My first child was born when I was 31. I am now 36 and I didn’t know what to expect from our journey. Would it happen right away? Would it take time? Would it happen at all? Each month brought a wave of sadness when I stared at the stark, white negative. Each month my hopefulness chipped away. I really began to think it just wouldn’t happen for us this time around. I suspect I have PCOS, but have never gotten an official diagnosis. I watched the fertile valleys like a hawk and tried to time everything within, but it just wasn’t happening. 

My husband and I had a long discussion about the mental toll it takes TTC (trying to conceive). We had decided that if it didn’t happen by X date, that maybe we were meant to stay our beautiful family of three. I was okay with that, but it gave me a drive to “really try” for those months, like I wasn’t before? 

The beginning of Thanksgiving week I was cleaning the house getting ready for guests to arrive and stay for three weeks. My husband and daughter had ran out to finish some errands. I decided, for no particular reason (again, I suspect PCOS so it is hard to know if I actually missed a period or not) to test. I always hide the test back in the package so I can’t stare at it. When I pulled it out I was not greeted with the same stark, white window. There were two lines. I was in disbelief. Half panic, half excitement and no one to talk to. I couldn’t wait for my husband to get home and tell him the great news. I am currently 14 weeks with baby number 2. 

In between the all negatives and our BFP I did a little work on my diet and added a daily dose of Ovasitol, but other than that I did not make many changes. We did decide to time our hearts every other day from the sign of a first fertile valley to the end of any type of valley during the BFP month. I do believe this helped so I wouldn’t miss a second possible valley that I would often see in my chart.
A note from the kegg team:

Many of our team members have experienced loss and have collectively struggled with PCOS, endometriosis, diabetes, uterine anomalies, setpums, blocked tubes, cysts, elevated prolactin, hypothyroidism, and irregular cycles. Our community inspires us to continue to further innovate in the women’s health space. Whether your journey is just beginning or you are feeling an emptiness after seeing a negative test, have hope. We are rooting you on. Please join us in the kegg community today!

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