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Meet our first ‘kegglet’, Isaiah

On the occasion of Mother’s day 2021, we have an exciting announcement to make. Earlier in March, our first kegglet was born. We’re aware that trying to conceive might take lots of energy and be a roller coaster of emotions but we also want to give hope to all the women in our community wherever they are in their conceiving journey. We’re here for you.
kegg first baby
Kristina Cahojova

Kristina Cahojova

CEO and Founder of kegg

Hi everyone, I have been quiet over the last few months prepping the next chapter for kegg and my company. But don’t worry – we have exciting months ahead and more keggs are now in production.

That said, I wanted to be the one giving you the news that is particularly close to my heart: our first kegglet, baby Isaiah was born in Omaha, Nebraska on March 17th, 2021 to parents Andrea (32) and Matthew (33).

Our first customers started their tracking journey with kegg in June 2020 (it’s almost one year, I can’t believe it!). We were elated to have heard from several keggsters who have successfully conceived and we are grateful for the resilience of those women who are still trying.

In 2020, 27% of respondents to a kegg survey distributed to users noted that they had successfully conceived.

58% of kegg users who are currently trying to conceive are seeking their first baby while the other half trying to conceive already have at least one child.

Andrea, who was already a mother to one child, had been trying to conceive for a few months before discovering kegg. Andrea was one of the first Indiegogo backers of the product and she conceived after her first cycle using kegg.

“I suffer from multiple health conditions which make trying to conceive very challenging,” said Andrea. “I was searching for a fertility tracker that would help me know my full fertile window in advance in order to be able to time intercourse properly. I thought temping was too limiting as it didn’t alert me to when my fertile window started. I wanted something that took the guesswork out of this for me, in a very convenient way, and that’s when I found kegg. My husband travels for work, making timing even more crucial. I would not have known I was in my fertile window without kegg!”

We’re looking forward to welcoming more kegg babies this Summer, and in fact, have personally heard from 14 women that they will be moms in the next few months thanks to kegg.
Please reach out to my team, we love to hear from you and more kegglets!

Thanks so much for your trust.
Baby dust to everyone and Happy Mother’s day, Andrea!


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