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The importance of consistent use with kegg

A common topic of discussion within the kegg community is consistent use. Unlike LH tests that simply take into account a single urine sample’s information, kegg is using an intelligent algorithm and comparing kegg data from your entire cycle, along with trends of your past cycles, to better recognize your most fertile days. This is why consistently taking kegg readings once a day and at a consistent time is of utmost importance to get accurate results.
Preparing To Get Pregnant
Jenn Fisher

Jenn Fisher

Product Manager at kegg and Fertility expert

Photo Credit: Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

Let’s take a deep dive into using kegg and cover the “hows” and “whys” so you can get the most out of your kegg experience!

kegg measures the electrolyte composition of your cervical fluids and records the daily changes brought on by hormonal fluctuations of estrogen and progesterone. Changes in the Cervical Fluid are the best indicator to pinpoint when your most fertile days occur and ideally, when you will ovulate.

Electrolytes are minerals, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium to name a few.  Our bodies need electrolytes to: balance hydration, move nutrients to cells, remove waste products, allow nerves to send their signals, help muscles to relax and contract properly, and help keep the brain and heart functioning.  We get our electrolytes from foods and drinks. The kidneys and liver help keep levels of electrolytes balanced. Some of the things that can disturb the body’s electrolyte balance are: Illness, not drinking enough fluids, not eating enough, certain medications, eating disorders, and liver or kidney problems.

Electrolyte composition fluctuates throughout the fertility cycle but it’s important to keep in mind that it will also fluctuate throughout the day. Meaning your electrolyte composition can be very different from morning to night, or potentially from one hour to the next.

This is why consistency in timing is key when taking daily readings with kegg. 

kegg is monitoring the changes over the course of your cycle based on the readings taken every 24hrs.  We recommend taking your kegg reading within the same 2hr time frame each day and ideally as close to the same time as possible.  Users that take readings at inconsistent times of the day tend to have erratic kegg readings that don’t easily reveal a fertile pattern.  With kegg, users don’t need to closely focus on day-to-day fluctuations of their readings but rather kegg looks at overall trends to assess the kegg data and define the fertile window.  This is especially helpful for cycles that don’t follow a “text book” pattern.

When should I start taking readings with kegg?

You should begin taking your kegg readings as soon as your period has ended. Even if your fertile window is predicted weeks away, kegg needs a full picture of your cycle to make the most accurate assessment of your cycle trends. Daily readings should continue to the end of the cycle. Occasionally due to spotting, intercourse timing, or the day’s schedule, a user is not able to take a kegg reading within their chosen time frame.  It’s best to skip taking a reading for this day rather than doing so outside of the 2hr time frame.

What sort of things that can impact kegg’s readings?

Both external and internal factors can impact your daily readings here is a list of common items:

  • Semen

If semen is present in the vagina, It is advised to wait at least 8 hrs before taking a reading with kegg to allow the semen to dissipate. Semen present in the vaginal canal can create a barrier between kegg and the cervical fluid.

  • Arousal fluid

Sexual arousal changes the vaginal environment. Consider waiting to use kegg.

  • Lube, douching, or Intravaginal medication

Lube, vaginal medication such as creams, ointments, and hormonal supplements may alter the vaginal environment or create a barrier between kegg and the cervical fluid.

  • Infections 

Infections such as yeast overgrowth, Bacterial Vaginosis, and even UTIs can change the quality of the cervical fluid and/or produce vaginal discharge not related to fertility.  Using kegg during any of these infections could result in inaccurate data. 

  • Medications that impact electrolyte levels 

Certain medications and supplements could interfere with kegg’s ability to identify the fertile window. Medications and supplements that influence hormones or electrolyte levels could impact kegg’s accuracy for some users.

  • Improper kegg placement or Movement during the reading

The “egg” portion of kegg needs to be fully inserted into the vagina to ensure good contact with any cervical fluid present at the cervix.  Significant movement during readings could cause kegg to lose contact with the cervical fluid.  It is best to remain relatively still after the initial vibration until the 2 vibrations signalling that the reading is complete.  If kegg is removed before the reading is complete you will need to start over and take a new reading.

Adding kegg to your daily routine is easy and convenient. The more days you test with kegg at your chosen time, the more information kegg’s algorithm will have to assess the uniqueness of your cycle trends and cervical fluid.  Consistent use of kegg can help you gain accurate fertile window predictions and key fertility insights.

For further information please visit our website FAQs or get in touch with us.

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