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Atypical kegg charts

We all dream of having regular cycles and conceiving without difficulty. However, this is not the case for many women. In fact, most women experience abnormalities in their cycles at least once a year. Our bodies react to our environment, dietary choices, and most impactfully, our stress. It is very typical to experience abnormal cycles but, by tracking them you can understand what is happening, how this will impact when your period starts, and how frequently these deviations are happening.

December 25th, 2021

kegg chart – 101

You’ve learned kegg can help unlock the mystery of your fertility by predicting in advance and showing you when you are in your fertile window. It is as amazing as it sounds. But, have you ever wondered what is happening deep down in the kegg brains, eh, I mean kegg sensing technology and predictive algorithms? In this article we’ll share what to look for when tracking with kegg!

October 27th, 2021

Creighton Model & kegg Data Analysis: a comparison

At kegg, we get a lot of questions about how kegg compliments fertility awareness methods. We decided to bring you stories from real kegg users who are also experts in these widely used methods. In the last blog we brought you a story of a woman who uses kegg to compliment her Sympto-Thermal Method and today Hannah, a Creighton user, is sharing her kegg story.

December 16th, 2020

First pregnancy stories from our kegg users

Our first customers started their tracking journey with kegg earlier in June. We are elated to have heard from several keggsters who have successfully conceived. We know that the fertility journey can be a stressful one, so we are so excited to bring you all some good news and cheer for each other!

November 5th, 2020

kegg chart review: Irregular Cycles & Temps

Join us, as we review some interesting kegg charts and dive into some factors that influenced these women’s charts. Thank you to our anonymous users for sharing their charts and experiences with us! In each chart kegg provided a unique glance into the complex hormone orchestration happening within these women’s bodies.

October 10th, 2020

Discover Sympto-Thermal Method with kegg & Tempdrop

Women have used the Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) for decades by learning and charting the biomarkers of Basal Body Temperatures (BBT) and Cervical fluid. STM has empowered women to have a fuller understanding of their cycles and hormonal health. The convenient temperature tracking tool, Tempdrop, is now integrated in the kegg app! (Coming late November 2021!)

September 30th, 2020

Interpreting your fertility insight

kegg is taking the guesswork out of fertility tracking while demystifying the most accurate way to assess a woman’s fertile window: cervical mucus.

August 24th, 2020