Conceive naturally
after 40 with kegg

When your biological clock is ticking and your remaining fertile years feel like they are dwindling, trying to conceive can feel stressful and hard. Rest assured. kegg is here to help. Hundreds of women in their 40s have successfully conceived using kegg. 

kegg is designed to show you your full fertile window. Whereas many other tracking methods only identify the day of ovulation or possibly the day before ovulation, kegg users can optimally time their efforts throughout the full fertile window to maximize their chances of conception. 

Every egg matters, and with kegg, you will feel empowered and never miss your most fertile days.

Successfully getting pregnant after 40 with kegg

When your biological clock is ticking and your remaining fertile years feel like they are dwindling, trying to conceive can feel stressful and hard. Rest assured. kegg is here to help. Hundreds of women in their 40s have successfully conceived using kegg. 

kegg is designed to show you your full fertile window. Whereas many other tracking methods only identify the day of ovulation or possibly the day before ovulation, kegg users can optimally time their efforts throughout the full fertile window to maximize their chances of conception. 

Every egg matters, and with kegg, you will feel empowered and never miss your most fertile days.

How do women in their 40s use kegg to successfully conceive?

As you approach perimenopause, cycles may become irregular, ovulation may occur inconsistently, and it may be difficult to determine when you are in your fertile window.

Timing intercourse or insemination during your most fertile days is one step you can take to optimize your fertility journey. Unfortunately, waiting for ovulation day misses the most fertile days which is why kegg helps you identify your most fertile days.

Trying to conceive can be a daunting journey, but with kegg, users can confidently time their efforts, ensuring they are maximizing their chances of conceiving.

kegg detects the changes in the cervical fluid which result from from the fluctuating hormones. This allows the user to see when their fertile window opens and closes. Every egg counts, and with kegg you will know when you are fertile.
fertile window

Thousands of Success Stories


No subscription. No recurring costs. kegg is a one-time purchase without any additional recurring costs. With kegg, you save money every month you would otherwise have to spend on refills.

Yes! Since kegg shows the real-time changes in the cervical fluid with the daily readings, women with irregular cycles can identify their fertile windows.

Read more on how to get pregnant with Irregular cycles here.

A “12-month Pregnancy Guarantee” means you’re protected if you purchased the kegg fertility tracker, used it continuously for at least (1) year, and didn’t get pregnant during that time.

You’ll get a full refund if the kegg’s user criteria, recommended use, and 12-month  Pregnancy Guarantee rules are met. Read full policy rules here.

Absolutely! kegg can help you confidently track your fertility, allowing you to optimally time intercourse/insemination. Many women who have been trying to conceive for years have been successful, thanks to kegg. What is unique about kegg is that instead of focusing on the day of ovulation (which is only one day when you are fertile) kegg focuses on identifying your whole fertile window. Knowing your full fertile window and optimally timing intercourse / insemination can quadruple your chances of getting pregnant.