Getting pregnant with Irregular cycles
Every woman’s fertile window is unique and kegg can help you track yours. kegg tracks the changes in cervical fluid, so you can be sure you are optimally timing your trying to conceive efforts to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Watch your kegg trendline to spot the fertile valley(s) to confidently and precisely time your trying to conceive efforts.
What insights does a user with Irregular cycles gain with kegg?
In 2 minutes a day, kegg plots your reading on the kegg chart. kegg detects the changes in cervical fluid which shift with the hormonal changes of the cycle. The fertile window appears as a valley in the kegg readings. When readings begin to trend downwards the user knows the fertile valley is opening. If you are trying to conceive, it’s best to time intercourse/insemination during this valley.*
When the body prepares to ovulate, the hormonal changes cause a shift in the electrolytes in the cervical fluid. kegg tracks these changes allowing the user to see the full fertile window and optimally time their trying to conceive efforts. When cycles are highly irregular, kegg users watch their daily readings to identify their fertile window instead of relying on the fertile window prediction, as it may not be accurate in irregular cycles.
Irregular cycle kegg chart
This user with irregular cycles experienced two fertile valleys. The first valley was not successful for ovulation and she spotted another fertile valley starting on cycle day 19. She timed her trying to conceive efforts during the fertile valleys. The second fertile valley was successful for ovulation.

*If you are not pregnant with kegg within 12 months, you get 100% of your money back.
kegg users with Irregular cycles

How is kegg different than other methods?
Many women rely on conventional tracking methods to “guesstimate” when their fertile window will occur. Unfortunately, these methods often miss the mark and result in missed trying to conceive opportunities.
Unlike other methods, kegg users see their readings plotted along the full cycle, with the exception of during their period. As a result, they will not miss a potential fertile valley, particularly if one valley was not successful for ovulation, as they will see the subsequent fertile valley unfold in their data. This helps the user optimally time sex/insemination and know when to expect their period or test for pregnancy.
kegg users are able to appreciate the full fertile window(s) in real-time each cycle as the daily readings reflect the day-to-day hormonal changes taking place in the body. The kegg user will be empowered by having a window into the complex hormonal orchestration taking place in their body and being able to optimally time intercourse/insemination.
Calendar based prediction methods
Calendar-based methods are particularly limiting for women with irregular cycles, as they assume the user has a regular, consistent cycle. Numerous factors impact when the fertile window will occur, such as stress, illness, travel, and underlying hormonal conditions, therefore very few women experience the fertile window on the same days each cycle.
Basal Body Temperature tracking
Recording the basal body temperature is helpful for determining that ovulation has occurred after the fact; however, it does not assist in identifying the full fertile window, and therefore cannot help guide the user when to time their trying to conceive efforts.
OPKs (Ovulation Predictor Kits)
OPKs test for the hormone Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Many women with irregular cycles will experience multiple LH surges or prolonged LH surges which again makes it challenging to determine when the true fertile window is happening. Conversely, some women will never capture an LH surge in a cycle that has a successful ovulation.

The kegg Pregnancy Guarantee
If you’re not pregnant with kegg within 12 months, you get 100% of your money back.
No subscription. No recurring costs. kegg is a one-time purchase without any additional recurring costs. With kegg, you save money every month you would otherwise have to spend on refills.
A “12-month Pregnancy Guarantee” means you’re protected if you purchased the kegg fertility tracker, used it continuously for at least (1) year, and didn’t get pregnant during that time.
You’ll get a full refund if the kegg’s user criteria, recommended use, and 12-month Pregnancy Guarantee rules are met. Read full policy rules here.
Many women with PCOS share that tracking their fertility is especially challenging. While kegg has not been clinically tested on women with PCOS, there is a growing number of women with PCOS who turn to kegg to successfully track their fertility.
Learn more about getting pregnant with PCOS here.