What does kegg measure? How Does kegg work?

kegg is an intuitive fertility tracker that measures changes in electrolyte levels of cervical mucus —the golden metric to pinpointing your fertile window within each menstrual cycle. By using advanced sensing technology known as impedance, kegg can detect your fertile window using your unique cycle data.

Following the daily reading, which takes around 2-3 minutes, kegg will send your kegg data to the cloud for analysis. In real-time, the device connects to a mobile app that displays your reading’s results, cyclical trends, and fertility predictions. With consistent, once a day use, you will gain deeper insight into your own unique fertility pattern. 

You can also add prompted Kegel pelvic floor exercises to your daily routine with kegg. As a bonus, doing Kegels before taking a fertility reading can increase cervical mucus and circulation for easier data collection.      

kegg is an FDA-Registered medical device.

*Please note that no at-home fertility device can confirm ovulation..

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