Is kegg right for me?

Are you tired of guessing when your fertile window falls? Are you relying on LH strips only to miss the most valuable days of your fertile window? If you are looking for a fertility tracker that will allow you to see your full fertile window so you can be confident you are appropriately timing your efforts, kegg may be just what you need. kegg is a fertility tracker that helps women track their fertile window, allowing them to optimally time intercourse and be empowered by knowing what is happening throughout their cycle. The free accompanying kegg app predicts the fertile window in advance while the daily readings show the user the changes in fertility in real-time. kegg detects the changes in the cervical fluid which shift with the hormonal changes of the cycle. kegg is used for 2-minutes a day within the same 2-hour window. kegg is recommended for women who :
  • Are within reproductive age and have cycles
  • Are not on hormonal birth control nor IUD of any kind
  • Are not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are not in menopause
  • Are trying to conceive or wish to track their fertility Note: kegg is not recommended to be used as a contraceptive device. See below how women use kegg with their preferred fertility awareness method.

Do you have irregular cycles or PCOS?
If you have irregular cycles and/or PCOS, kegg may help you.  There is a growing community of women with PCOS and irregular cycles who have been successful with kegg. Conventional fertility tracking methods can be especially frustrating because the fertile window does not fall consistently at the same time. kegg allows you to see a potential fertile valley open as your kegg readings move downwards, allowing you to make actionable decisions.  Most women with irregular cycles and/or PCOS** rely on watching their kegg data to identify when they are entering the fertile valley, as the prediction may not be accurate for highly variable cycles. However,  the daily readings reflect the real-time changes in the cycle which is why women can learn how to identify their fertile window.

We are here to help you understand your kegg data, should you have any questions. You can also learn more about kegg users with PCOS here and kegg users with irregular cycles here. 

The kegg user sees the fertile window prediction placed on the cycle chart and calendar at the start of the cycle. In addition, the user watches the daily readings which are reflective of the real-time changes in the cervical fluid, to watch the fertile valley happening.

The fertile window prediction which is placed at the start of the cycle is best suited for women that:
  • Have been off hormonal birth control or IUD  and their ovulatory cycles have returned
  • Are past 6 weeks of giving birth and have had at least 2 menstrual cycles beyond 6 weeks postpartum.
  • Have most cycles ranging from 21-40 days in length, or are interested in watching your kegg trends to spot your fertile valley without the prediction

The daily readings can be influenced by certain factors. Daily kegg readings are most reliable if the user does not use or experience the following:
  • Daily vaginal douches, creams, or ointments
  • Active sexually transmitted diseases
  • Been diagnosed with any pelvic floor disorder
  • Currently breastfeeding or have not had at least 2 menstrual cycles since the full completion of milk production
  • Supplements or medications that induce ovulation, or could impact the body’s electrolyte levels.* 

The kegg algorithm has not been designed nor tested for pregnancy prevention. However, you can use kegg data and trends to complement your own primary choice of fertility awareness method.  Here are real examples of kegg users who use kegg to complement their tracking with:

*Some medications and supplements could impact kegg’s ability to make predictions for some users.  
** kegg has not been clinically testing in women with PCOS.
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