What makes kegg different?

kegg is the only intuitive fertility tracker on the market that measures electrolytes of vaginal fluid to predict a woman’s fertile window. Cervical mucus monitoring gives women the best likelihood of natural conception.

kegg’s advanced sensing technology more accurately and precisely identifies the fertile window in comparison to probability-based solutions.

To date, women have been using two main methods of fertility tracking: basal body temperature (BBT) and Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs).

kegg vs. Basal Body Temperature: 

Most other fertility trackers measure Basal Body Temperature (BBT), which is the lowest body temperature attained during rest. Measuring BBT to predict the fertile window is a probability-based solution, whereas kegg provides a more direct and earlier prediction of your fertile window by measuring vaginal fluids. While BBT tracking can help to confirm ovulation after the fact, the data can easily be skewed by irregular sleep patterns, sickness, or other physiological things that can happen daily. 

For regular temperature thermometers, the BBT shift comes too late after ovulation has occurred, so the user may miss her peak fertile days if she only tracks her fertility with BBT. 

kegg vs. Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs or LH tests):

Most OPKs that detect the presence and concentration of the luteinizing hormone in urine only offer a short time from the start of the LH surge to ovulation, roughly 12 to 36 hours.  They neither detect nor confirm ovulation. You can get a positive OPK without ever ovulating or you can ovulate without recording a positive OPK test.

According to studies, women typically have the most fertile cervical mucus 2-3 days before ovulation, which is typically a woman’s best chance for conception. This is why kegg primarily senses the changes in the electrolyte levels of cervical mucus and can give real-time information to users.

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