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What is the battery life of a kegg? - kegg
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How kegg works
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About us
How kegg works
How kegg works
Getting pregnant with PCOS
Getting pregnant with Irregular cycles
Conceive naturally after 40
Science behind kegg
kegg vs other trackers
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Using kegg
What is the battery life of a kegg?
Getting Started
Can I share my kegg with someone else?
How big is a kegg device?
Is kegg a medical device?
Is it safe to use kegg? What is it made of?
How do I take care of my kegg?
How does kegg predict the fertile window?
What does kegg measure? How Does kegg work?
Guarantee, privacy, shipping, and returns
What privacy measures are in place?
Can I cancel or edit my order?
Can I return my kegg?
Where can you ship a kegg?
12 month Pregnancy Guarantee
Does kegg offer a warranty?
Is kegg for me?
What makes kegg different?
Does the kegel exercise help with tracking? Or is that a separate function?
Is kegg right for me?
Can I use kegg while breastfeeding?
Can I use kegg after a miscarriage?
Can I use kegg with a pelvic health condition?
Can I use kegg if I have endometriosis?
Can I use kegg as a natural contraceptive method?
Can I use kegg if I have a vaginal infection?
Can I use kegg during my period?
Using kegg
Is my phone or tablet compatible with kegg?
Should I follow the trend line or my single daily readings?
When should I use my kegg?
Some of my measurements are far from the trend line, what does it mean?
How often do you use kegg?
Why are some of my readings circled in red?
How do you charge the kegg?
Should I expect a ‘valley’ in the trend line when my FW opens?
What is the battery life of a kegg?
Why don't I see a trend line after my first reading?
What is the battery life of a kegg?
If you are using kegg with Kegel exercises:
The battery will last more than 2 days.
If you are using kegg without Kegel exercises:
The battery should last you more than 5 days.
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